Within MOSES Project 45 Deliverables are foreseen. These documents reflect the project results and outcomes and are written and reviewed by the project experts. As soon as the documents are officially released, the Public Deliverables (PU) as well as an executive summary of the confidential (CO) ones will be provided on this section.
Within MOSES Project 45 Deliverables are foreseen. These documents reflect the project results and outcomes and are written and reviewed by the project experts. As soon as the documents are officially released, the Public Deliverables (PU) as well as an executive summary of the confidential (CO) ones will be provided on this section.
Conference presentations
MOSES project will not miss the opportunity to foster its developments and outcomes in relevant conferences, workshops and other events. This section includes the available for download material performed for the presentation of MOSES project in such events.
Conference Presentations
Conference Material
Life cycle risk dynamics for marine systems: A description of a bio-inspired framework for risk fluctuations throughout the life-cycle
Prof. Nikolaos Ventikos, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (PDF) │2020 │4th International Conference on Maritime Safety and Smart Shipping (MSSS 2020), virtual conference
Automated Vessels and supply chain optimisation for Sustainable Short Sea Shipping
Prof. Nikolaos Ventikos, NTUA, Greece
Video Recording (HERE) │2020 │2nd International Autonomy & Sustainability Summit 2020, virtual conference
Αυτοματοποιημένη προσέγγιση, πρόσδεση και φορτοεκφόρτωση πλοίων σε εμπορικούς λιμένες
Mr. Giannis Kanellopoulos, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2021 │7th ITS Hellas Conference, Athens, Greece
Autonomous tugboats for efficient, eco-friendly and safe port operations
Mr. Stefanos Kokkorikos, CORE, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2022 │Belgian shipowners’ association, Introduction mass-think tank, Antwerp, Belgium
User-driven development in MOSES: From stakeholder needs to user requirements
Mr. Christos Pollalis, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2022 │2022 World of Shipping Portugal, An International Research Conference on Maritime Affairs
Discussing the MOSES project: Automated technologies for green and efficient short sea shipping
Mr. Konstantinos Louzis, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2022 │2022 World of Shipping Portugal, An International Research Conference on Maritime Affairs
Remote supervisory control for a robotic container handling system
Mr. Hans Van Den Broek et al., TNO, Netherlands
Presentation (HERE) │2022 │MMI Platform
eFTI Regulation and its effects on the Greek Market
Mr. Giannis Kanellopoulos, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2022 │5th International Logistics Forum & Supply Chain Day
Federated Logistics Platforms –The Greek Ecosystem
Mr. Giannis Kanellopoulos, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2022 │14th ITS European Congress
Intelligent Operator Support Concepts for Shore Control Centers
Mr. Jasper van der Waa & Mr. Hans van den Broek, TNO, Netherlands
Presentation (HERE) │2022 │MTEC-ICMASS 2022
MOSES Autonomous tugboat swarm operation: Operational scenarios, requirements, and architecture
Mr. Konstantinos Louzis, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2022 │ISRERM 2022
Applied trajectory generation to dock a feeder vessel
Mr. Bas J. de Kruif, MARIN, Netherlands
Presentation (HERE) │2022 │14th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics and Vehicles, DTU Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
The MOSES project: enhancing short sea shipping with automated technologies
Mrs. Mercedes de Juan, VPF, Spain
Presentation (HERE) │2022 │28th International Conference on Urban and Maritime Transport and the Environment, virtual event
Dynamic Task Allocation Algorithms within Intelligent Operator Support Concepts for Shore Control Centres
Mr. Tycho Brug, TNO, Netherlands
Presentation (HERE) │2022 │21th Conference on Computer Applications and Information Technology in the Maritime Industries- COMPIT’22, Pontignano, Italy
The necessity of digital as well as physical automation for sustainable modal shifts
Konstantinos Louzis, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2022 │Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference 2022, Lisbon Congress Center
Paving the way for the future of Short Sea Shipping: The MOSES project
Margarita Kostovasili, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2022 │Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference 2022, Lisbon Congress Center
Preliminary Hazard Analysis for an Innovative Container Feeder Concept
Prof. Nikolaos Ventikos, NTUA, Greece
Autonomous docking of a feeder vessel
Mr. Bas J. de Kruif, MARIN, Netherlands
Presentation (HERE) │2022 │International Ship Control Systems Symposium 2022 (iSCSS), TU Delft, Netherlands
SMASH!UP Skills en shore control centers, design choices and human factors challenges
Mr. Hans van den Broek, TNO, Netherlands
Presentation (HERE) │2022 │SMASH!UP Skills en Shore Control Centers: ervaringen en onderzoeks- en opleidingsbehoeften, Schiezaal van Rotterdam Mainport Institute/STC in Rotterdam
The MOSES Project: Automated and autonomous technologies for modal shift to Short Sea Shipping
Prof Nikolaos Ventikos & Mr. Konstantinos Louzis, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2023│Inland Navigation Week 2023, Hybrid, Brussels, Belgium
Automated cargo handling for autonomous ships: The MOSES project
Mr. Evangelia Portouli, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2023│15th ITS European Congress, Lisbon, Portugal
Simulation of a feeder on a port to port mission
Ed van Daalen, Giorgio Iavicoli, Hans Cozijn, Bas de Kruif, MARIN, The Netherlands
Presentation (HERE) │2023│OCEANS 2023, Limerick
Control of a full port to port mission for a feeder vessel
Bas J. de Kruif, Ed F. G. van Daalen, H. Cozijn, G. Iavicoli, MARIN, The Netherlands
Presentation (HERE) │2023│OCEANS 2023, Limerick
Automating vessels berthing, docking and stevedorage operations: The MOSES project
Elena Krikigianni, SEAB, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2023│IPIC 2023, Athens, Greece
The MOSES Innovative Feeder Vessel: Creating alternative pathways for transporting containerized cargo to the Greek islands
Mr. Marios Koimtzoglou, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2023 │LMDE International Conference: Shaping the Future of Work and Business Education
Autonomy and Electrification in Shipping: The MOSES project
Mr. Konstantinos Louzis, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2023 │DNV Research and Development Forum
autoMated vessels and supply chain Optimisation for sustainable short SEa Shipping
Prof Nikolaos Ventikos, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2023 │ Maritime Informatics & Robotics – Maritime 2023
Autonomous container handling with ship cranes
Janne Suominen, Macgregor, Sweden
Presentation (HERE) │2023 │ MOSES joint final event with AEGIS & AUTOSHIP
Remote support of robotic container handling systems
Mirjam Huis in ‘t Veld, TNO, the Netherlands
Presentation (HERE) │2023 │ MOSES joint final event with AEGIS & AUTOSHIP
How safe do we need to be?
Mr. Konstantinos Louzis, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2023 │ MOSES joint final event with AEGIS & AUTOSHIP
MOSES shore tugboat control station: development of a shore-side system to support autonomous tugboat operation
Marios Koimtzoglou, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2023 │ 17th Annual Conference of Marine Technology
MOSES Project Overview
David Tidy, Trelleborg, Australia
Presentation (HERE) │2023 │ ICMAR NAV 2023, International Conference on Maritime Autonomy and Remote Navigation
Innovative feeder vessel design, a Greek design case of the MOSES project
Gerco Hagesteijn | MARIN
Presentation (HERE) │2024 │ Posidonia 2024
Determining the requirements for fail-safe design of autonomous ships: The MOSES Autonomous Tugboats Swarm
Prof Nikolaos Ventikos, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2024 │ 3rd Autonomous Ship Reality 2024
Navigating the Future: Automated Vessels and Supply Chain Optimization for Sustainable Short Sea Shipping- The MOSES project
Mrs. Elena Krikigianni, SEAB, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2024 │ 3rd Autonomous Ship Reality 2024
Workshop/Seminar Material
MOSES is not just a biblical figure
Prof. Nikolaos Ventikos, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2020 │AUTOSHIP-AEGIS-MOSES Joint Stakeholder Workshop, virtual event
Electrification, digitalisation and automation
Mrs. Chara Georgopoulou, DNVGL, Greece
Presentation slide (HERE) │2020 │Matchmaking event Environmentally neutral marinas and ports, virtual event
Exploiting automation and autonomy in the maritime domain: Challenges and benefits
Prof. Nikolaos Ventikos, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2021 │Industrial Engineering seminar series, Dalhousies University, virtual event
Creating opportunities for Short Sea Shipping and small ports within the EU container supply chain: MOSES Innovations
Prof. Nikolaos Ventikos, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2021 │Connecting EU, virtual event
Discussion on MOSES innovations focusing on autonomous and automated systems
Prof. Nikolaos Ventikos, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2021 │EMSA Workshop on MASS, virtual event
The MOSES Project Innovations and data importance
Prof. Nikolaos Ventikos, Konstantinos Louzis, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2021 │4th mFUND EU Workshop 2021, virtual event
From Here to Autonomy
Mr. Hans van den Broek, TNO, Netherlands
Presentation (HERE) │2021 │1st Online One -Day School of the Sea of Experience project, virtual event
What are the possibilities within freight transport, how can autonomy attract cargo to waterborne transport?
Prof. Nikolaos Ventikos, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2021 │Webinar on Cargo Unit Standardisation, virtual event
MOSES concept and innovations: Indicators of success and ambition
Prof. Nikolaos Ventikos, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2022 │NOVIMOVE Joint EU Smart Shipping & Logistics Platform, virtual event
Intelligent Operator Support for Shore Control Centers
Mr. Hans Van Den Broek, TNO, Netherlands
Presentation (HERE) │2022 │Port and Skills Erasmus+seminar, Rotterdam
MOSES Project “AutoMated Vessels and Supply Chain Optimisation for Sustainable Short Sea Shipping”
Mrs. Mercedes de Juan, VPF, Spain
Presentation (HERE) │2022 │Logistop, virtual event
AutoMated Vessels and Supply Chain Optimisation for Sustainable Short Sea Shipping
Prof. Nikolaos Ventikos, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2022 │Marine Technology Workshop, Syros, Greece
Adaptation of port call process for autonomous ship in a big port
Mr. Jorge Miguel Lara Lopez, VPF, Spain
Presentation (HERE) │2022 │SMM joint seminar on autonomy in ships and ports, Hamburg, Germany
Intelligence for automated manoeuvres; docking of a feeder vessel
Mr. Bas J. de Kruif, MARIN, Netherlands
Presentation (HERE) │2022 │MARIN R&D seminar 2022, Wageningen, Netherlands
MOSES projectTechnical implementation
Prof. Nikolaos Ventikos, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2022 │EMSA Workshop on Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS), Online
Will the seas of the future be dominated by autonomous ships?
Mr. Konstantinos Louzis, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2023 │Autonomous Ship Reality, Online webinar series
Reaching autonomous control in vessel operation (Conditional Automation Level 3)
Mr. Fotis Oikonomou, DANAOS, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2023 │Autonomous Ship Reality, Online webinar series
Autonomous sailing from port to port
Mr. Bas de Kruif and Mr. Ed van Daalen, MARIN, Netherlands
Presentation (HERE) │2023 │MARIN R&D seminar 2023, Wageningen, Netherlands
Will intelligent ports, ships, and supply chains be the norm in the future?
Prof. Nikolaos Ventikos, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2023 │Port Management and Navigation Seminar, Dubai, UAE
Innovative feeder vessel design, a Greek and a Spanish design case of the MOSES project
Gerco Hagesteijn, MARIN, The Netherlands
Presentation (HERE) │2024 │ SSSRI-MARIN seminar 2024
Automated Vessels and Supply Chain Optimization for Sustainable Short Sea Shipping The MOSES project results
Mr. Konstantinos Louzis, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2024 │ SEANERGY Summer School
Automated Vessels and Supply Chain Optimization for Sustainable Short Sea Shipping The MOSES project results
Mr. Konstantinos Louzis, NTUA, Greece
Presentation (HERE) │2024 │ 3rd Hellenic EU Maritime Research Workshop
Scientific Material
This section includes the available for download scientific material.
Scientific material
Journal Papers
Matchmaking the Emerging Demand and Supply Need in the Maritime Supply Chain Domain: A System Design Framework
Paper (HERE) │2022 │Sustainability Journal, 2022, vol. 14, issue 21, 1-25, Special Issue Strategic Approaches to Sustainability in Green Operations and Supply Chain Management
Autonomous docking of a feeder vessel
Paper (HERE) │2023│Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology
A 3D World Interpreter System for Safe Autonomous Crane Operation
Paper (HERE) │2024│Journal Robotics 2024
Quay-to-quay mission with autonomous docking: a model-scale experimental validation
Paper (HERE) │2024│Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology
Risk Analysis on Autonomous Vessels based on Systems Theory – Application of NET-HARMS method
Paper (HERE) │2024│Journal of Physics Conference Series
University Thesis
Stereo Pointclouds for Safety Monitoring of Port Environments
Author: Mrs Middelhoek, Femke, Contributors: ter Haar, Frank (mentor, TNO), Caesar, H.C. (mentor)
Study (HERE) │2023 │TU Delft Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering; TU Delft Cognitive Robotics
Conference Papers
Automating vessels berthing, docking and stevedorage operations: The MOSES project
Paper (HERE) │2023│IPIC 2023, Athens, Greece
Control of a full port-to-port mission for a feeder vessel
Paper (HERE) │2023│OCEANS 2023, Limerick
Simulation of a feeder on a port-to-port mission
Paper (HERE) │2023│OCEANS 2023, Limerick
User-Driven developments in MOSES: From Stakeholders needs to user requirements
Paper (HERE) │2022 │2022 World of Shipping, An International Research Conference on Maritime Affairs, Portugal
Intelligent Operator Support Concepts for Shore Control Centers
Paper (HERE) │2022 │International Maritime and Port Technology and Development Conference (MTEC)-ICMASS, Singapore
Applied trajectory generation to dock a feeder vessel
Paper (HERE) │2022 │14th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics and Vehicles, DTU Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
The MOSES project: enhancing short sea shipping with automated technologies
Paper (HERE) │2022 │28th International Conference on Urban and Maritime Transport and the Environment, virtual event
Dynamic Task Allocation Algorithms within Intelligent Operator Support Concepts for Shore Control Centres
Paper (HERE) │2022 │21th Conference on Computer Applications and Information Technology in the Maritime Industries- COMPIT’22, Pontignano, Italy
El proyecto MOSES: Mejora del transporte marítimo de corta distancia con tecnologías automatizadas
Paper (HERE) │2022 │61º Congreso de Ingeniería Naval e Industria Maritima, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Paving the way for the future of Short Sea Shipping: The MOSES project
Paper (HERE) │2022 │Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference 2022, Lisbon Congress Center
Preliminary Hazard Analysis for an Innovative Container Feeder Concept
Autonomous docking of a feeder vessel
Paper (HERE) │2022 │International Ship Control Systems Symposium 2022 (iSCSS), TU Delft, Netherlands
MOSES shore tugboat control station: development of a shore-side system to support autonomous tugboat operation
Paper (HERE) │2023 │ 17th Annual Conference of Marine Technology, Athens, Greece
Technical Posters
Autonomous and interconnected technologies for the container supply chain: The MOSES Concept
Prof. Nikolaos Ventikos, NTUA, Greece
Poster (HERE) │2021 │8th International Physical Conference 2021 (IPIC 2021), virtual event
Dissemination Material
In this section MOSES dissemination material is available for download.
Dissemination Material
MOSES FactSheet | Download .pdf file here | |
MOSES Brand Book | Download .pdf file here | |
MOSES Logo Pack | Download .zip file here | |
MOSES Overview Presentation | Download .pdf file here | |
MOSES Poster A0 | Download .pdf file here | |
MOSES Leaflet | Download .pdf file here | |
MOSES Roll-up banner | Download .pdf file here | |
MOSES Matchmaking Platform Flyer | Download .pdf file here | |
MOSES Project Video | Access here | |
MOSES Concept image | Access here |
Media Center
In this section MOSES media presence in newspapers, magazines, websites and portal news as well as on the radio is available!
Media Center
Press Release: H2020 MOSES project Kick-off Meeting
Press Clippings
La Fundación Valenciaport participa en el proyecto MOSES, que tiene como objetivo mejorar el componente SSS de la cadena europea de suministro de contenedores
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SEABility participates in MOSES H2020 project
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CIRCLE S.p.A.: takes part to European project MOSES, which enhances modal shift for Short Sea Shipping (SSS), receiving a contribution of EUR 266.875
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PROZERO signs up to MOSES project
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Το Δημοτικό Λιμενικό Ταμείο Μυκόνου συμμετέχει στο έργο MOSES
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Νέο έργο για το ΕΜΠ το MOSES που αναμένεται να φέρει την επανάσταση στον τομέα της Ναυτιλίας Μικρών Αποστάσεων / Ρότα για αυτοματοποιημένα ηλεκτρικά containerships
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A Questionnaire of ” AutoMated vessels and supply chain Optimisation for sustainable short SEa Shipping (MOSES)” Project
Press Clippings
Questionnaire survey press CIRCLE
(clipping 1)
The MOSES Project: Shaping the future of European Short Sea Shipping
Press Clippings
The MOSES Project: Shaping the future of European Short Sea Shipping
(clipping 1)
Shaping the future of European Short Sea Shipping: Autonomous & Automated technologies
Press Clippings
Connecting EU Insights
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Proyecto MOSES – Automatizacion de barcos autonomos
Press Clippings
ASTANDER’s Corporate Social Responsibility
(clipping 1)
The MOSES project: Automated technologies for efficient and green Short Sea Shipping
Press Clippings
Winter 2021 European Energy Innovation Communication
(clipping 1)
Recuperación sostenible (Covid-19 y fondos Europeos de recuperación)
Press Clippings
Article in Pactomundial
(clipping 1, clipping 2)
Automated Vessels and Supply Chain Optimization for Sustainable Short SEa Shipping. MOSES & ALICE at TRA, 14th-17th November, Lisbon
Press Clippings
Article in ALICE website
(clipping 1)
EU funds automatic vessel loading scheme
Press Clippings
Article in
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MacGregor brings automation expertise to EU supply chain optimisation projects
Press Clippings
Article in
(clipping 1)
Press release of the Municipal Port fund of Mykonos for the final conference of the “Port Security Emergency Coordination” project of the European Territorial Cooperation Program Greece-Cyprus 2014-2020
Press Clippings
Press Release
(clipping 1)
Press release: MOSES: AutoMated Vessels and Supply Chain Optimisation for Sustainable Short SEa Shipping – Αυτοματοποιημένα πλοία και βελτιστοποίηση αλυσίδας εφοδιασμού για βιώσιμη ναυτιλία μικρών αποστάσεων
Press Clippings
Press Release
(clipping 1, clipping 2)
AEGIS, AUTOSHIP and MOSES Joint final event at the Europort Exhibition in Rotterdam Ahoy
Press Clippings
Press Release
(clipping 1)
Sustainable shortsea shipping gets a step closer through EU MOSES project
Press Clippings
Press Release
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The MOSES project reaches a highly successful conclusion
Press Clippings
Press Release
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MOSES final event press release
Press Clippings
Press Release
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Sistema autónomo de maniobra y atraque
Press Clippings
Press Release
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In this section MOSES newsletters are available to read and share!
MOSES newsletters are available below!
MOSES 1st newsletter | Accessed Here | |
MOSES 2nd newsletter | Accessed Here | |
MOSES 3rd newsletter | Accessed Here | |
MOSES 4th newsletter | Accessed Here | |
MOSES 5th newsletter | Accessed Here |
In this section MOSES webinar/workshop presentations and their audio-visual material are available!
MOSES PIRAEUS Focus Group/Workshop | Accessed Here | |
MOSES VALENCIA Focus Group/Workshop | Accessed Here | |
MOSES Pilot 1 video | Accessed Here | |
MOSES Pilot 2 video | Accessed Here | |
MOSES Pilot 3 video | Accessed Here |
In this section MOSES audiovisual material is available!
Official Project Video
MOSES project video | For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded. |
Pilot demonstrations
MOSES Pilot 1 demo video | For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded. |
MOSES Pilot 2 demo video | For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded. |
MOSES Pilot 3 demo video | For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded. For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded. |
MOSES Team Video Series
Meet TNO partner | For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded. |
Meet SEABILITY partner | For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded. |
Meet CORE partner | For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded. |
Meet SAT partner | For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded. |
Meet MARIN partner | For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded. |
Meet TRELLEBORG partner | For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded. |
Meet CIRCLE partner | For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded. |
Meet MACGREGOR partner | For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded. |
Meet VPF partner | For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded. |
Meet DANAOS partner | For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded. |
Meet ASTANDER partner | For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded. |
Meet DNV partner | For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded. |
Meet ProZERO partner | For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded. |
Meet MHM partner | For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded. |
Meet ESI partner | For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded. |
Meet NTUA partner | For privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded. |