Pilot 2: Innovative Feeder Vessel

The objective of this pilot is to showcase the innovative characteristics of the MOSES feeder vessel by demonstrating its seakeeping and energy performance capabilities. This activity will include testing a scaled ship model for one – out of the 3 total – vessel designs conceptualized within MOSES. The ship models will be constructed by MARIN at their facilities and the design properties include service speed, maneuvering and seakeeping performance in various operational conditions and scenarios. Furthermore, this demonstration may involve how the MOSES innovative feeder may keep track and be used for autonomous mooring taking into consideration the potential for fully autonomous operation in the future. An additional option for this demonstration is to include testing of a sustainable propulsion solution depending on the concept design that will be chosen. Innovative feeder vessel pilot will be conducted at MARIN’s Seakeeping and Maneuvering Basin (SMB) in the Netherlands.

     View of MARIN’s test basins (Source: MARIN)

Pilot Demonstration and Exploitation Workshop

On 14th of September 2023, at Wageningen, in the Netherlands, MOSES team successfully conducted the MOSES Pilot 2 Demonstration: Autonomous Sailing of an Innovative Container Feeder Vessel, making a Roundtrip Between Two Ports.

More information on the presentation and audiovisual material of the MOSES Pilot 2 Demonstration can be found here.

In addition, an exploitation workshop on the autonomous sailing of MOSES Innovative Container Feeder Vessel, took place virtually on November 2nd, 2023, at 10.00-12.00 CET.

More information on the presentation material of the MOSES Pilot 2 exploitation workshop can be found here.

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