On Tuesday, July 12, Prof. Nikolaos P. Ventikos, coordinator of the EC funded project MOSES project2020 presented in the Technical Chamber of Syros, the features and innovations of MOSES project, during the Maritime Informatics & Robotics – Maritime 2023.
This summer school was organized by the Intelligent Transportation Systems Lab (Smart MOVE) of the Department of Product & Systems Design Engineering at the University of the Aegean.
The goal of the school was to provide an introduction and comprehensive overview of Maritime Informatics and Marine Technology, with a special focus on their application to Robotics. There was a strong emphasis on the practical application of the learned concepts during the “on the water” testing experiments and sea trials.
His presentation can be found here.
In particular, his talk focused on the innovative container feeder and the relevant robotic cargo handling system – he explained the respective outcomes from the project and discussed the upcoming demo cases.
A very interesting discussion followed the presentation and certain aspects of the human element within the autonomous shipping environment were touched upon.