The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure organised mFUND-Workshop series “Data Innovations for Smart Mobility in Europe“. The aim of the mFUND seminar is to enable networking between research and innovation projects with a similar thematic focus. In addition, the event intends to inform policymakers and practitioners about new developments, opportunities and innovations in the field of digitalisation and data applications.

In this context, the 4th worskhop ‘Data use for planning and operations in Logistics – improving efficiency and reducing emissions’ took place on 22nd of September 2021, virtually.

The workshop started with a key note about the impacts of data on the logistics sector in Europe, followed by inspiring inputs from experts in the field and closed with a discussion session with participants.

Konstantinos Louzis, MOSES partner, from NTUA, gave an enlightening presentation about MOSES project, entitled ‘The MOSES Project Innovations and data importance‘.

The agenda is available here.

You may download the presentation here.