The Technical University of Denmark and the IFAC Technical Committee in Marine Systems organised the 14th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics and Vehicles on 14-16 September 2022, in DTU Kongens Lyngby, Denmark.
The conference aimed at defining the research, development and innovation agenda within the areas of marine automation, control and robotics bridging the prominent views of academia and industry.
This edition of IFAC CAMS focused on four technological areas that are instrumental for the achievement of the objectives pertaining to UN SDG14: Decarbonization; Autonomy; Cyber-resilience; Human factors in autonomous systems.
The conference technical program was available online: Program at Glance and Full Technical Program.
The IFAC CAMS 2022 program included:
2 academic plenaries
2 industrial plenaries
6 invited sessions
2 industrial sessions
9 regular sessions
81 technical papers scheduled for presentation
MOSES project was represented by MARIN colleagues who successfully submitted and presented a paper entitled: Applied trajectory generation to dock a feeder vessel.
The paper can be found here.
The presentation can be found here.